Redlands Children’s Therapy Centre
Supporting Your Child’s Developmental Journey

Your Trusted Children’s Therapy Clinic

A Multidisciplinary Advantage

Redlands Children’s Therapy Centre is a multidisciplinary allied health practice specifically designed for children. We support children and individuals with a disability by providing outstanding, personalised interventions to support their learning and development.

At Redlands Children’s Therapy Centre, we understand that no child (or family) is the same. We take the time to get to know you and your child, your concerns, and your child’s strengths and weaknesses, so that we can tailor an individual approach to perfectly meet their needs.

We also understand that kids are kids, so they need to have a bit of fun along the way. Get in touch now and let us help unlock your child’s full potential!

A Paediatric Therapist You Can Trust

Confidence, curiosity and imagination are all central pillars of a healthy childhood, and at Redlands Children’s Therapy Centre, we strive to provide a comprehensive range of therapy services to make this a possibility for everyone. Across the spectrum of allied health, we offer families individual, multidisciplinary and group therapy options for occupational therapy, speech pathology, psychology and physiotherapy. 

In their early years, kids deserve the freedom to thrive. Across our team of experienced practitioners, we support children on the path to independence, helping them to enjoy school and make the most of their social environments. From early intervention services to their social skills to self-care, our vision has always been to make a lasting impression on all the children we see, using the latest evidence-based treatments to ensure they get the most out of therapy.

Our Occupational Therapy Paediatric Clinic

Redlands Children’s Therapy Centre offers a team of experienced and highly-qualified occupational therapists who specialise in helping kids with complex needs. Our focus is always on empowering children and parents to achieve their goals, whether that’s with eating, sleeping, learning, socialising or play. With our multidisciplinary approach, we consider the holistic experience of your child, helping them to overcome limitations and gain confidence across many daily activities

To find out more about our paediatric OT services, click here.

Children’s Speech Therapy Clinic

If your child is experiencing speech or language difficulty, accessing the services of experienced speech pathologists should always be your first priority. At Redlands Children’s Therapy Centre, we assess, diagnose and treat children and young people with communication difficulties relating to speech, language literacy and social communication. Our team understands the importance of early communication skills, and how it can ensure positive outcomes in the future.

To find out more about our speech pathology services, click here.