Our Team

Speech Pathologists

Our Speech pathologists assess, diagnose and treat individuals with communication difficulties, including those related to speech, language, literacy and social communication.

Speech pathologists also support individuals who have swallowing and/or feeding difficulties.

Occupational Therapists

Our Occupational Therapists help individuals to participate in activities they find meaningful so they can live life to the fullest. We consider the occupations of people, and for children these occupations may include playing, sleeping, eating, learning, engaging in leisure as well as being a friend and family member.

Here at Redlands Children’s Therapy Centre we aim to empower children to achieve their goals.

Play Therapists

Our Play Therapists use therapeutic modality to support children who are experiencing emotional difficulties. Child-centred play therapy allows children to explore their feelings and experiences through self-initiated play, which is the child’s natural mode for communication and self-expression.

Outstanding, personalised intervention

Professionals who truly understand

An environment where your child will thrive